We simply substitute 1/a for H and a for W respectively, and let the algebra do the rest. A = (a)*(1/a). "The area is just one" says the hypothetical antagonist in my head. Perhaps, but what happens when a approaches zero? We can't divide by zero, nor can we really multiply by infinity because thats the realm of the undefined. The best we can do is examine what happens when a gets very small. We know the answer to that: a gets very small and (1/a) blows up. The closer we get to zero the closer our simple formula for area becomes the anomalous expression A = infinity*zero. As we approach death we approach zero conscious (whatever that means) and events after that expand out to infinity. We can continue this overextended metaphor/analogy and say that its symmetrical with our birth. In this light, humans are spikes of consciousness infinite in their reach but infinitesimal in duration.
So what did all of that have to do with loosing your hair and getting old? If you didn't understand that is your fault not mine. You must go back and reread until you understand it completely.
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