Monday, January 16, 2012

white man long time not blog

Finally got A-qualified at work which means I am fully qualified to do a job I got hired for 1 year ago.  The job description is something I don't care to go into considering there is a probability of others reading this which approaches zero.  Since the last blog entry, the following events happened ( not necessarily in order):

I went approximately 100 yards underground in the Shenandoah Caves of Virginia and it looks like this

Shenendoah Caverns, VA

in one part and like this

Shenendoah Caverns, VA

in another.  The adventure was tepid but not without its mild thrills.  Underground can be a fun place to be and is where many people should be.  During my time in Virginia I was able to visit a person who is underground now,  but used to live above ground in this house

Monticello Charlottesville, VA

for a period of time which took place before I was conscious.  A also go engaged to this girl

Jade at Philz Coffee San Francisco, CA

who is currently in Thailand but will be arriving here

Palisades Seattle, WA
shortly.  Well that is that as they say.  More ipod uploads with literal descriptions to come.